12th Minling Trichen
‧ 第十一世敏林赤欽法王法語開示 (一) ‧

* Truth and Courage 真實和勇氣 *


The essence of Dharma lies in being true to oneself (one’s innate nature) and in exerting great effort to be courageous. When truth and the courage to walk on the path of truth are joined with mindfulness, a practitioner truly begins to practice the dharma. Until these qualities of truth and courage are generated, we will be vulnerable to our own pretenses and fabrications.


The arising of truth and courage allows us to realize the core essence of dharma. Not understanding this leads us into the trap of endless cyclic existence. A lack of courage keeps us from being true to our Budhha nature.


Both virtuous and nonvirtuous actions are formed in the mind. Actions—though more apparent – are secondary to our motivation. Even an apparently virtuous action is of little benefit if the root of our motivation is selfishness. Any action performed with wisdom and selfless motivation is an expression of our own Buddha nature.

~ 選自Sandra Scale 編著《寧瑪大師的聖語》
(Sacred Voices of the Nyingma Masters), Padma Publishing 2004出版。

‧ 第十一世敏林赤欽睡覺法王法語開示 (二) ‧

* 修行最重要的是『降伏自心』*

• 「修行最重要的是『降伏自心』,要降伏自心就要從自己的身、口、意做起;如果我們能認識到眼睛所見的、口所說的、心所想的事物都是因緣和合,沒有一個實體,而把身、語、意安住於自性的光明中,這樣持續地做,就能夠了悟諸法實相。」~ 睡覺法王‧靈鷲山無生道場 1998-06-08

• 即使能把天地倒轉,如果沒有慈悲心,也是一無是處。如果我在你面前示現神通,你可能一時對我生起信心,但這不是真正虔敬的信心。就我個人的體悟,如果能依循佛陀的法教,過快樂的生活,而不傷害任何人,這就是最大的神通。~ 睡覺法王法語

• 一個人是不是活佛轉世不重要,如果他知道以佛菩薩的方式終其一生利益一切眾生,他就是轉世活佛。如果故作活佛狀,他也不必然是成就者。所以做一個真正的人,要比去模仿另外一個人更重要。~ 睡覺法王法語

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