* 尊贵的 第十二世敏林赤钦 久美昆桑吉美仁波切略传
H.H. 12th Minling Trichen Gyurmey Kunzang Jigmey Rinpoche Biography
(敏珠林 第十二世赤钦法主 尊贵的 敏林董瑟达哈嘉笙仁波切 ~ 第十一世敏林赤钦法王之子)
「一切传承中,血脉最殊胜。」~ 噶陀莫札法王
尊贵的第十二世敏林赤钦座主 久美昆桑吉美仁波切 是为第十一世敏林赤钦法王 久美昆桑旺嘉 (睡觉法王)之长子,母亲则为第十一世敏林赤钦首任西藏佛母索兰拉。仁波切出生于公元1959年。因仁波切诞生之时,正值第十一世敏林赤钦法王在进行给萨尔王的闭关。 因此,法王当时便将仁波切命名为 ” 敏林董瑟 达哈嘉笙 ” (Minling Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen),"达哈嘉笙" 意为「战神胜幢」,亦可称 「战神幢」,取其胜利缘起与吉祥之兆。而「董 瑟」,则为 ”长子或世子”,于敏珠林血脉传承中,具有法座执持者之意义。 ( Dungsay means to the Throne.)。
由于仁波切出生时,尊圣的 第十一世敏林赤钦法王观得于圣印度弘传敏珠林教法之时节因缘已至。然而,当时的敏林董瑟仁波切却由于其仍在襁褓之中太过年幼,以至无法与父亲同行前往印度,是以仁波切便与母亲ㄧ同留驻圣地西藏,祝福父亲 尊圣的 第十一世敏林赤钦仁波切于印度弘扬敏珠林法教广利众生。
虽然如此,敏林董瑟仁波切于其幼年与少年时期在藏地,亦曾师事诸多具格具德上师并在其座下学习法教,同时亦精研仁波切颇感兴趣的藏药医学。多年后,敏林董瑟仁波切来到印度敏珠林寺,自多位当代大成就者领受教法、口传与灌顶,这些成就者包含了仁波切的父亲 尊圣的 第十一世敏林赤钦法王 与 尊圣的 顶果钦哲法王、尊圣的 贝诺法王、尊圣的 楚玺法王以及堪布吉美彭措法王…. 等等。
在印度研习胜义教法多年之后,事母至孝的 敏林董瑟仁波切于公元1997年返回西藏并驻锡当地。公元2010仁波切的母亲 (佛母索兰拉) 圆寂后,因大悲心与藏地僧俗劝请之故,因而 仁波切目前莲足仍留驻于拉萨,以广利雪域西藏弟子及摄受当地的无量有情众生。
H.H.12th Minling Trichen Gyurmey Kunzang Jigmey Rinpoche
~ Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen Rinpoche Biography ~
Son of His Holiness the 11th Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche
Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen, the son of His Holiness Mindrolling Trichen and Yum Sonam-la (his mother).
Minling Dungsay Rinpochewas was born in Tibet in 1959 while His Holiness was in the Gesar retreat, so he was named Dalha Gyaltsen. When His Holiness the 11th Minling Trichen Rinpoche decided to went to India and taught the buddhist of there people. Since Minling Dungsay Rinpoche was too young and unable to peers as well as with his father to India, So, Dungsay Rinpoche stayed together with his mother in Tibet at that time.
While growing up in Tibet, Dungsay Rinpoche studied under many qualified Teachers and his interests included Tibetan medicine. Years later, Dungsay Rinpoche traveled to Mindrolling Monastery in India and received numerous teachings and transmissions from some of the most accomplished great masters of that time.
These included His Holiness Mindrolling Trichen, His Holiness Dilgo Khyenste Rinpoche, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, His Holiness Trulshig Rinpoche and Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok.
Dungsay Rinpoche resides in Tibet where he returned after studying in India for many years.